IM Back. Whatever.
Nothing says 'indie' like hardcore. Its the ugly, confronting heavy music that gets messy. It sometimes lacks the polish and finesse of its more accessible and older brother...metal. It lacks the appeal and fun of its other sibling ...punk rock. But with what it lacks, it make makes up for in spades with passion, energy and brutality. NO radio would take a risk with a sound like this, no major label would gamble on a scene with such confronting trends, links to ethical movements, violent energy, outspoken views on society and culture! Hardcore punk, metal core and ..just plain old 'hard core' music has long been a big part of the melbourne music scene and now more than ever it is seeing a*boom!*
I like that there's room for you no matter what life-views you hold to: christian, straight edge, vegan, party boy, dont care what i am*, gangstar ... you can get into this.
Lately im noticing the scene which produced such brutal bands is now brimming with cross overs, genre mash ups and a new breed of kids with something to say. Keyboards are becoming more and more familiar, beats and samples are making their way in, break downs are replaced with blast beats, dance beats are replacing double time, singing is backing the screaming, rap is even getting a look in and colour is back in the wardrobe!
It's just full of variation and new idea's and i really like it! I dont like all the music that is coming as a result but the adventurous bands behind it have my respect at least!
Im going to start sharing some of the music ive found and the links to where you can find it too. All free.
As it comes.