Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lest we forget 11:11am, 11/11/09

I always choke up when i think about this day and what we as a nation remember on this day. I imagine myself boarding a ship and leaving my wife, my son and my friends and family, hobbies, job, comfortable way of life...then consider the liklihood that i would never see them again. Leave them behind to grieve, imagine the pain, imagine the loss and how much that would impact everyone left behind. Its terrible right?

Then multiply that scenario a few thousand times over, and that is exactly what occured in the lives of all the men and women over the years who stepped up and defended our country and our way of life, or more to the point, the freedom to chose how we live.

People + Sacrifice = Freedom
Here's a great song by Redgum called 'I was only 19', covered by the Herd. Its fitting for today. Just click on the pic and you will go to the host site where you can watch or download it in a variety of formats.

....off this album BTW.

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