I mean a) they're from melbourne, b) a three peice and c) an indie band that got big so whats not to like! They capture my breath, my imagination and sometimes my heartache's and hopes. Thats what a good band can do sometimes! Paul Dempsey does solo gigs about the place from time to time and has a special one coming up actually.. see here... He could totally get away with releasing a live-solo album cos the shows are just that good but fans have beaten him to it. If you go here... you'll find a two-disc live bootleg from a solo show he did some time ago capturing all the clapping, chatting, tuning and singing you'd get at a show. Its pretty cool actually so go have a listen! Here's my favourite track ::> Captain (million miles an hour)
NB: SFK have a 'best of' release, would be a great introduction to new comers!

The other dude im gonna blog about, well dosn't exactly inspire me quite the way Paul and co. have been able to, but none the less is an artists who proudly flies the flag for indie bands! Im speaking of Ben Lee. For some reason he's hated by people as much as he is liked, i dont get it! He writes cheeky, happy pop songs that get stuck in ya head, he wins awards, makes people smile and he speaks his mind. I guess that must really piss people off....?? Anyway he's recently dropped a new album and its doing ok, single on the radio, name popping up around the place and all that BUT... have you heard the OTHER ALBUM he put out recently? Its great, political, challenging, anthemic and totally not even his songs!! He covered the new 'Against Me' album called 'New Wave' completely acoustic with ditsy keyboards and paper thin loop drums and all the Ben Lee trimmings. Its an interesting listen made all the more enjoyable by the fricking awsome songs. You can get it from Ben Lee's blog.. here...
This is the title track New Wave and you should go get the rest of Ben's version of the album (which is free!) and then buy the Against Me! version from a shop somewhere.
After all, it is said that plagiarism is the highest form of flattery!
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