Listen to one of my fav tracks Pale (first song on the disc)
Another rad A-town band to keep eyes on is Newtonheath! They have just released their new full length disco called 'Come together and Unite'. I was especiall y amped about this cos i was a mega fan of their previous band 'Edison Music' and to a lesser extent 'Sumi'. (sorry guys)
Another rad A-town band to keep eyes on is Newtonheath! They have just released their new full length disco called 'Come together and Unite'. I was especiall y amped about this cos i was a mega fan of their previous band 'Edison Music' and to a lesser extent 'Sumi'. (sorry guys)

Mat and Rach have been doing this music thang for years and under a few different names as well. A quick looky at the web page gives you some mp'3s of previous work and a bit of background to digest. All in all its a pretty solid record from the outset, a bit up and down, it feels like this might really grow on me as i give it time but im still coming to terms with the fact that this does NOT sound like another Edison' record. I feel dumb because i think i was expecting one! Theres some uber big rock moments, great choruses and some pretty guitar parts dispersed throughout, not just an emo/rock thing...but more developed and urgent.

1 comment:
Awesome blog.
Ive been getting into some sweet mp3 blogs from the USA (http://www.hardtofindafriend.blogspot.com/ and http://blogsarefordogs.com/) and was thinking that soemone should do somethign with an aus focus! So well stoked to have found this eh!
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